GNPC-Aker Energy Deal: Why Is NDC Silent? Asks Kwadwo Poku

Kwadwo Poku

The Institute for Energy Policies and Research (INSTEPR), an energy think tank has questioned the silence of Ghana’s largest opposition party, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on the GNPC’s plan to acquire stakes in Aker Energy and AGM Petroleum Ghana oil blocks.

The West African nation’s national oil company has submitted a memorandum to Parliament seeking approval for $1.65 billion to acquire 37 percent stake in Deep Water Cape Three Point (DWT/CTP) oil block operated by AKER Energy and 70 percent stake in South Deep Water Tano (SDWT) operated by AGM Petroleum Ghana.

The deal has generated public discussion with the alliance of CSOs in the extractive sector calling for Parliamentary probing into the deal.

Despite concerns being raised about the deal, the country’s largest opposition political party has been silent on the matter.

Reacting to the opposition party’s silence on the deal, Executive Director of INSTEPR, Kwakwo Poku observed that the opposition has held press conferences on almost everything in the last four years but, surprisingly, are silent on the GNPC Aker Energy transaction.

“I would like to call out the NDC to officially tell Ghanaians what their view on this transaction is. They have in the past held press conferences on almost everything in the last four years, so it’s surprising they are very silent on a USD$1.6 billion transaction which was laid in parliament over a week ago.”

“The CSOs and policy think tanks are not an opposition to government but on such issues, people make it seem the civil society is an opposition to government. We seek to deepen the conversation and point out the grey areas for the benefit of Ghana,” he explained.


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