Ghana: VRA Seeks To Install Transformers And Other Accessories


Ghana’s Volta River Authority intends to apply a portion of its budgetary allocation to cover eligible payments under a contract for which this Invitation for Tenders (IFT) is issued.

The scope of the works expected to be awarded under this IFT includes but not limited to the procurement and installation of two new packaged 3.3/0.415kV, 250kVA transformers at Akosombo Generating Station in the Eastern Region of Ghana for power supply to the spillway gates.

The Volta River Authority now invites sealed tenders from eligible contractors for the design, manufacture, testing, delivery to site and erection of the transformers, associated panels, reinforced steel conduit and cabling.

More details on the requirements are provided in the specifications and activity of schedules included in the tender documents.

This IFT is open to all qualified bidders who have registered with the Public Procurement Authority and can demonstrate experience of having provided similar services.

A contractor will be selected under a competitive tendering method through the evaluation procedure, which is described in the tender documents, in accordance with the Public Procurement Act, 2003 (Act 663) as amended.

Interested bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the tendering documents at the following address from 09:00 to 15:00 hours GMT on Mondays to Fridays as from 22 July 2019 to 28 August 2019.

The Director,

Engineering Services Department,

P.O. Box 77, Akuse – Eastern Region

Tel: 0302 664941-9 Ext. 723216

Email: [email protected]

A mandatory site visit and pre-tender meeting shall be held and therefore all bidders are required to meet at Akosombo Generating Station Conference Room, near the Akosombo Generating Station, Akosombo in the Eastern Region at 10:30am on 07 August 2019.

Bidders who fail to attend the mandatory site visit and pre-tender meeting shall be rejected.

All tenders in one original plus two (2) copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to Engineering Services Department Conference Room, VRA – Akuse (EL-1014-5842) in the Eastern Region at or before 12:00 hours GMT on Wednesday, 28 August 2019.

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