Ghana: NPA Sensitizes Communities On CRM And Safe Use Of LPG


The National Petroleum Authority (NPA) has intensified efforts to promote the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as a clean cooking energy source in the country.

The Authority is also encouraging LPG consumers to adopt the cylinder recirculation model (CRM) policy to ensure safety and convenience in the distribution and use of LPG.

The activities include one-on-one engagements with traders and drivers, stakeholder meetings and durbars.

In an address read on behalf of Dr. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, Chief Executive NPA, by Dr. Joseph Wilson, Director of Research, Monitoring, and Evaluation at NOA, at the Volta Regional Townhall Durbar on Cylinder Recirculation Model (CRM), said while the implementation of the CRM was expected to increase accessibility by bringing LPG closer to consumers, challenges related to accessibility and affordability persist.

He expressed concern about the affordability of LPG, citing the 8% taxes and levies on LPG as a potential barrier to achieving the goal of 50% penetration by 2030.

“The NPA is working to address affordability by engaging the government to remove taxes and levies on LPG and educating stakeholders on safe LPG use and the need to transition to the CRM,” he noted.

Dr. Abdul-Hamid emphasized the need for a collective effort to address these challenges and increase household adoption of LPG as the main cooking fuel, which requires a collective effort by all stakeholders.

He gave a statistical breakdown on the use of LPG specifically in the Volta Region.

“According to the Ghana Statistical Service, the use of charcoal or wood fuel declined from 89% in 2010 to 62.1% in 2021.

“Then, the use of LPG increased from 11.5% to 33.7%. This means that out of 10 households in the Volta Region, four use LPG. In urban areas, 51.3% of households use LPG, which translates to five households out of 10.

“In rural areas, 20.2% of households use LPG, which means one household out of five uses LPG”, he said.

The Chairman for the occasion, Yushau Bashiru Turawah, Ho Zango Chief and President of the Regional Council of Zango Chiefs, acknowledged that the programme fostered a culture of safety and responsibility.

“We are committed to educating citizens on safe cylinder use and handling. This will ensure every home has knowledge to prevent accidents and promote wellbeing.

“I extend our gratitude to partners, stakeholders, and the government for their unwavering support in making this collaboration a reality.

“Together, you have paved the way for a brighter, safer, and more sustainable future for the region”, he said.

The Volta Regional Minister, Dr. Archibald Yao Letsa, in his welcome remarks, called on participants to take the education seriously.

“Ladies and gentlemen, we are here to discuss a very important issue, which is the Cylinder Recirculation Model (CRM).

“I appeal to everyone to participate in the discussions today. This is a townhall meeting, so at the end of the day, we will understand the issues and bring our suggestions and questions for NPA officials to address.”

Dr. Archibald Letsa expressed excitement about the gathering.

“I am happy that religious bodies, women, and all of you are here. We welcome people from Accra to our region.”

He noted that promoting the CRM would ensure safety and protect lives and properties.

The NPA team continues to sensitize people in the Volta Region, including Keta, Afloa, Hohoe, Jasikan, Kadjebi, and surrounding areas, to adopt LPG as a clean cooking energy source, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for all.



