Ghana Nominated As Vice Chair Of Eleventh IRENA Assembly

Flag of the Republic of Ghana

Ghana has been nominated for the position of the Vice President for the 11th International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) Assembly which is being held virtually.

The West African nation was nominated alongside Costa Rica, India and Albania.

In a letter written by H.E Ms. Teresa Ribera, President Designate to Mr John-Peter Amewu, a caretaker Minister for Energy, Republic of Ghana, it said: “At IRENA’s tent session in January 2020, the IRENA Assembly designated Ghana as Vice President of the eleventh session of the IRENA Assembly scheduled between 18the and 21st January, 2021.”

The letter congratulated Mr John-Peter Amewu and welcomed him as the member of the 2021 Bureau of the Assembly.

This year’s eleventh Assembly is under the theme: ‘COVID-19-Energy Transition’.

The IRENA Assembly offers platform for members to share their experiences on the road towards a sustainable, resilient and climate safe recovery.

In his acceptance speech, Mr John –Peter Amewu expressed gratitude of Ghana to IRENA for the nomination.

“Ghana is grateful to the Assembly for endorsing her nomination as Vice President of the Assembly. I look forward to working with the President, Spain and my colleagues Vice Presidents from Albania, Costa Rica and India,” Mr Peter Amewu said.

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